(904) 248-8309
(904) 248-8309

Published on Dec 27, 2023

Choosing the Right Leash and Collar

Before you start training, selecting the right gear is crucial. In Jacksonville’s climate, consider a lightweight, durable leash and a comfortable collar or harness for your dog. Remember, the right fit is key to preventing discomfort and escape.

Step 1: Introducing the Leash and Collar

Begin by letting your dog get accustomed to their collar or harness and leash. Allow them to wear it around the house for short periods. The goal is for them to associate the leash with positive experiences, so plenty of treats and praise are in order!

Step 2: First Leash Lessons Indoors

Start indoors where there are fewer distractions. Hold the leash loosely and let your dog lead slightly, offering treats for calm behavior. Keep initial sessions short and positive.

Step 3: Teaching 'Heel' Command

The 'heel' command is a cornerstone of leash training. Start by having your dog at your side and use the command "heel" as you start walking. Reward them when they stay close to your side. Consistency is key, so practice this daily.

Step 4: Dealing with Pulling

If your dog starts pulling, stop walking. Only proceed when the leash is loose. This teaches them that pulling won't get them where they want to go. In Jacksonville's dog-friendly parks, like Dog Wood Park or Confederate Park, practice this in short bursts.

Step 5: Mastering Walking in Public

Once your dog is comfortable walking on a leash indoors, take the training outside. Start in quiet areas before gradually moving to busier locations. Always reward calm and obedient behavior.

Step 6: Consistent Practice and Patience

Leash training doesn't happen overnight. It requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. Celebrate small victories and remain patient with setbacks.

Conclusion: Enjoy the Rewards of Training

With dedication and the right approach, leash training strengthens the bond between you and your dog. Enjoy the beautiful walking trails and dog-friendly spots across Jacksonville, knowing your dog is safely and happily walking by your side.

About Sit Happens Jax

At Sit Happens Jax, we’re dedicated to helping Jacksonville dog owners enjoy a harmonious life with their pets. For more personalized training advice, or to learn about our training services, visit us at sithappensjax.com/contact-us


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