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(904) 248-8309

Published on Feb 27, 2023

 Hey folks! Dave from Sit Happens Dog Training here in St. Johns County.

Potty training your puppy is an essential part of pet ownership. Developing good potty habits in your puppy can be a challenge, but it's worth the effort to ensure a happy and healthy life for both you and your furry friend. Here are three tips for developing good potty habits in your puppy:

Establish a Consistent Routine

Puppies thrive on routine, so establishing a consistent routine for potty breaks is essential. Puppies should be taken outside to potty first thing in the morning, after meals, after naps, and before bedtime. These are times when your puppy is most likely to need to go potty.

It's also important to take your puppy to the same spot each time. This will help them associate that spot with potty time, making it easier for them to know when it's time to go.

When taking your puppy outside to potty, use a leash to keep them in the designated area. Stay with your puppy and give them time to sniff around and find the perfect spot to go. Once they do, use a verbal cue such as "go potty" to help them associate that cue with going potty.

Reward Good Behavior

Positive reinforcement is key to developing good potty habits in your puppy. Whenever your puppy goes potty in the designated spot, give them lots of praise and a small treat. This will help them associate going potty in the right spot with a positive experience.

It's also important to not punish your puppy for accidents. Puppies have accidents, and it's normal. Punishing them can cause fear and anxiety, which can lead to even more accidents. Instead, simply clean up the mess and continue with your routine.

Be Patient and Consistent

Potty training a puppy takes time and patience. It's important to remain consistent and stick to your routine, even if there are setbacks. If your puppy has an accident inside, don't give up on your routine. Take them outside to the designated potty spot and give them another chance to go.

If your puppy continues to have accidents inside, it may be helpful to restrict their access to certain areas of the house until they are fully trained. You can also use a crate or playpen to keep your puppy contained when you can't supervise them.


Potty training your puppy is an important part of pet ownership. By establishing a consistent routine, rewarding good behavior, and being patient and consistent, you can develop good potty habits in your puppy. Remember to use positive reinforcement and avoid punishing your puppy for accidents. With time and patience, your puppy will be fully potty trained and you can enjoy a happy and healthy life together.


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