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Published on Dec 30, 2022

 Training your puppy during the holidays can be a challenging but rewarding experience. If done properly, your puppy will remain obedient and playful throughout, enabling you to thoroughly enjoy the festive season. Here are the top three tips for training your puppy during the holidays.

Tip One - Positive Reinforcement: Positive reinforcement is one of the most important tools for puppy training and will help increase the chances of your puppy following the rules and guidelines you set out. It should be used for any good behaviour your puppy exhibits, such as coming to you when you call or obeying a command. A simple ‘good boy/girl’ can encourage them to repeat the action. You can also reward them with treats or toys as forms of positive reinforcement. A consistent routine is essential to successfully training your puppy during the holidays. Despite the increased distractions during the holidays, it's important to create a daily routine for your puppy in order to give them structure and help them understand their expectations. This routine should include regular feedings, potty breaks, playtime, and cuddles. If your puppy learns that they can rely on you for consistency, they will be more likely to listen when you give commands.

Tip Two - Create a Routine: Creating a consistent routine for your puppy is helpful to ensure they stick to the rules and get used to the daily expectations. This should include designated feeding, toileting and exercise times to ensure they are getting the right amount of nutrition and stimulation. A particularly useful technique is setting the same commands throughout the day, such as attaching a lead if you’re going to take a walk, as this can help them pick up new commands quickly. When you are training your puppy during the holidays, it is best to keep the training sessions short. This is because puppies have shorter attention spans and can become easily distracted. Aim for shorter training sessions several times a day, instead of one long one. By breaking up training into smaller sessions, your puppy will have time to rest and stay motivated for the next training. 

Tip Three - Mental Stimulation: Keeping your puppy mentally stimulated is just as important as physical stimulation. Depending on the age and level of obedience of your puppy, you can do this through simple obedience training, such as teaching them basic commands, or through more advanced activities, such as agility exercises and brainteasers. You can also keep them occupied with toys and chewables, and introduce new activities such as playing hide and seek. Positive reinforcement is one of the best ways to train your puppy. Use treats, verbal praise, or even excited play as a reward for successful behaviors. Avoid punishing your puppy for mistakes, as this can be counterproductive and can cause them to become anxious or fearful. When your puppy follows a command or behaves the way you want them to, make sure to give them the appropriate reward so that they understand that they did something right and will be more likely to repeat the behavior in the future. 

Following these tips can help you create an easier, stress-free holiday season for both you and your puppy. The holidays should be an enjoyable time for both of you - and, with these tips, your puppy can happily join in all the festive festivities.


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