(904) 248-8309
(904) 248-8309

Published on Jun 01, 2021

 We traveled from, Pennsylvania to Ponte Vedra Beach and arrived on Saturday, 26 January 2019. The home we rented has two sets of stairs front and back, and is on the beach with another set of stairs to get to the beach. Our six month old German Shepherd is with us , and was terrified of climbing the stairs . Well, the weather on Sunday was a downpour with very high winds coming off the ocean and that meant carrying a 60 lb. puppy up the stairs every time he had to use the yard to relieve himself.

By Monday I was at Cure Urgent Care (excellent service) to get muscle relaxants for my back. On Saturday evening we called “Sit Happens” and left a message letting them know we needed help getting our GSD to climb stairs. On Sunday, we received a phone call from Kelly at Sit Happens and to say she was wonderful in helping us out is an understatement. She called the owner, Dave, and he agreed to come out or send one of his trainers to help Ruger learn how to climb stairs. Josh arrived at the scheduled time and within fifteen minutes, using positive reinforced training , had our GSD, Ruger, climbing stairs and going down stairs as if it was as natural as can be.

Josh is an outstanding trainer and his love for training dogs beams through his wonderful personality. While here he also gave Ruger a couple lessons in leash walking, as well as using the ramp into our SUV. A true professional and an outstanding gentleman. Thanks to Kelly, Dave and Josh, we can now enjoy our stay in Ponte Vedra Beach while it is near below zero at home. Thank you Kelly, Josh and Dave, you have saved my back and given Ruger the confidence required to take on stair climbing. Art and Babs S.


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